
Committee Members

Contact Info

You may contact the following people through the BAA Park Administrator at: 



All Stars Committee (Plans annual All-Star events) Jason Schneider (Chairman), Marken Gannon (Co-Chair), Jamie Maier, Mark Maier, Amy Webster, Katie Terbrock, Chris Cordingley, Ken Seidel


BBQ Committee (Organizes BBQ for Special Events)Mark Maier (Chairman), Tad Harris, Jason Kozdron, Scott Litzsinger, Kenny Hageman, Jim Bajzath  

Concession Committee (Oversees Operations of concession stand)Matt Freeborn, Ted Repp, Ken Seidel, Jamie Maier, Pat Coates, Sandy Repp, John Clemons, Kevin Gerth, John Hernandez


Disciplinary Committee (Oversees all disciplinary issues with Employees, Directors, Players, Coaches and Parents) Marc Dippel (VP Programs), Norm Rich (Baseball Commissioner), Jason Schneider (Softball Commissioner), Jason Neal (Umpires), Pat Murphy (High School), Rob Powell (Member-At-Large)


Equipment Committee (Oversees Ordering, Distribute and Return of all Equipment)Norm Rich (Chairman), Gary Winter, John Hernandez


Fields/Grounds (Handles various maintenance issues around the park) Gary Winter (Chairman), Norm Rich, Kevin Gerth, Ted Repp


Field Communications Committee (Oversees all field requests and usage) Jason Neal (Umpires), Gary Winter (Field & Grounds), Mark Maier (Scheduler), Seth Mouser (Tournaments), Norm Rich (Member-At-Large)


Finance Committee (Oversees all financial issues in the park) Jim Bajzath (Chairman), Pat Murphy, Pat Coates, Jamie Maier  


Fundraising and Sponsorship Committee (Works with Local Businesses for sponsorships through signs, scoreboards, etc.) Seth Mouser (Chairman), Ken Seidel, Pat Coates, Matt Freeborn


Human Resource Committee - Jim Bajzath (Treasurer), Ted Repp (VP, Facilities), Mike Wait (Umpires), Seth Mouser (Member-At-Large), Norm Rich (Member-At-Large)


Parent Involvement/Board Member Duties (Oversees all required duties by Parents and Directors) - Norm Rich (Chairman), Ted Repp (Concessions), Matt Freeborn (Park Manager), Pat Murphy (President)


Public Affairs - Seth Mouser (Government Relations), Ted Repp (Insurance), Dick Bueckman (StL Cardinals), Gary Winter (Baseball Battles Cancer), Jamie Maier (Pictures) 


Scholarship Committee (Organizes annual employee scholarship) John Clemons (Chairman), Ted Repp, Sandy Repp, Katie Terbrock        


Scheduling (Oversees all aspects of game scheduling for BAA)  Mark Maier (Chairman), Mike Wait, Chris Cordingley, Kevin Gerth


STLWEST Reps (Represent BAA at all STLWest meetings) Pat Murphy (STLWest President), Ted Repp, Jason Neal, Mark Maier


Technology and Innovation Committee (Oversees website design and function, social media and advertising) Kevin Gerth (Chairman), Mike Wait, Matt Freeborn, Chris Cordingley, Mark Maier, Pat Murphy, Gary Winter, Rob Powell, Marken Gannon, Ajay Jayaprakash


Tournament Committee (Oversees all aspects of Tournamenet) Jason Neal (Chairman), Seth Mouser, Pat Murphy


Trivia Night (Organizes the annual Trivia Night) Jamie Maier & Amy Webster (Co-Chairs), Mark Maier, Pat Coates, Ken Seidel, Rob Powell, Mike Wait, John Hernandez, Kevin Gerth, John Clemons


Umpire Committee (Train, test, schedule and oversee all umpires)  - Jason Neal (Chairman), Pat Murphy, Marc Dippel, John Hernandez, Mike Wait, Ted Repp, Mike Wilson, Turner Herbek, Adam Peper 

Wall of Honor - Pat Murphy (Chairman), Dick Bueckman, Norm Rich